Kodiak Christian School started from a discussion between parents and pastors in the Spring of 1976. The group met several times and consulted with other Alaskan Christian schools. With some disappointment it was decided that it would take at least a year to prepare curriculum, find teachers, supply a school and secure their location. The initial board, consisting of Art Zimmer, Wanda Fields, Glen Dick, Chuck Mackey, Richard Carr, Don Arndt, Myron Severson, Vickie Mackey and Harold Lewis voted to start classes in the fall of 1977. The school was incorporated March 4, 1977. In its first year, the school met at the Kodiak Bible Chapel with an enrollment of 43 students grades K through 7th. Gerry Kashatok, Mike Rostad and Sharon Horton were the first teachers.
By 1982 the school, with Ken Covey as Board Chairman and Art Zimmer as general contractor, was prepared for construction. The School building was to be built adjacent to the Bible Chapel. All was ready: they had an approved plan and building materials; trusses were being constructed. However, that summer, a fire struck, and the trusses and other materials were lost. With sadness, the Board decided to reconsider building plans. In 1983 the Kodiak Community Church (Now Kodiak Christian Fellowship) discussed with the KCS board about building their church so that it could also be used by the school. Kodiak Christian School gratefully moved into the Church's Mill Bay location in September of 1983.
Throughout the years, Kodiak Christian School Board Minutes contained constant references to building plans. Various parcels of land were researched, numerous buildings were inspected, use partners were approached and several school designs were considered. Despite these efforts, the school was unable to secure a location and build or find a suitable building to remodel. In January of 2001, Tony Perez contacted Kodiak Christian School with an idea. He had three parcels of land that he wanted to sell. If the school could buy two parcels, Tony and his wife Madelyn would donate the third lot to the school. The school could then work to develop the two purchased parcels and resell them for a profit. Despite better offers, one was faxed to Tony during our conversation, Tony was good to his word. With this donation and purchase, Kodiak Christian School obtained our current location and started the building fund.
The building was dedicated nine years later on January 24, 2010. Three designs were considered, and the Kodiak Christian School family raised more than a million dollars towards construction. Kodiak Christian School is thankful to the faithful parents who started the school on its journey. We are thankful for the board members and parents who were stewards of the school throughout out all our years of operation.